
This blog is written by employees of Nottinghamshire County Council, the views in this blog are personal and may not be shared by the County Council.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Why a Volunteer's contribution is priceless.

Here at Rufford we rely on Volunteers to help with certain aspects of environmental management.
Both Wild Sherwood and our Conservation Volunteers help immensely in the upkeep of these areas.

Yesterday (22.2.14) the Conservation Volunteers sidetracked from their recent Rhododendron bashing duties (Rhododendron is an invasive woody plant) and focussed on giving the bird hide in the Wetland Conservation site a new lease of life.

As you can see from the pictures they did a sterling job and have started putting shutter boards down on an area of the path yet to be done. This pathway will then be worked on next week by North Notts College.

Wild Sherwood have been doing some fantastic work on our Wetland Conservation site, they have been doing everything, including;

  • Laying a new path 
  • Willow coppicing
  • Creating a dead hedge
  • Clearing an area for a bird feeding station
  • Installing habitats to attract more Wildlife
  • Willow weaving a fence
  • Felling trees

Here is some info on how you can get involved;

Conservation Volunteers
Rufford Rangers are continuing their conservation days which will be held on Saturdays – usually the 2nd and last of the month and will start at 10.30am and conclude at 4pm. We meet in the Coach House courtyard and you will need to bring a flask and packed lunch. Please check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for what may be fairly heavy and dirty work, (including stout footwear). Please note that programmed work days will continue in all but the severest of weather. (Participants must be 18 years or over)

March             8th & 29th
April                12th
May                 10th & 31st
June                14th
July                  12th

Summer Break
September     13th & 20th - (2nd & 3rd Saturday)
October          11th & 25th
November      8th& 29th
December      13th
Steve, Rich, Leanne, Steph and Jo look forward to working with you over the coming months. Questions or queries to Steve on 01623 821334 or steve.koefoed@nottscc.gov.uk 

Lesser is more!

Most mornings local birders have been out and about sighting the Hawfinch perched at the top of the Lime trees but recently a faint pneumatic drumming has been heard......could it be the increasingly common Great Spotted Woodpecker?
Well actually it is the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, a big tick on the birder's yearly list. The size of a a Sparrow or Greenfinch this elusive bird has a tighter drumming noise than the Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Seen hear flying away from a dead tree its contrasting markings are very identifiable. Taken by a local photographer it shows the black and white markings and you can sex both Great and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker by the inclusion or exclusion of a red patch on the head.
Males have the red patch and females do not (all juveniles have it until they moult).

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Lumberjills to the rescue!

The big clear up begins at Rufford after the high winds. Silver Birch was the main culprit with one area suffering a domino effect of three trees falling on one another........
.........but never fear.......the Lumberjills are here!!

They quickly, safely and efficiently cleared the pathways for the public to use, the down side being a monumentous mountain of rounds to split, yeyyyy.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Events for Half Term at Rufford

In February the following events are scheduled to take place.
(**These event dates may change, keep checking for new events**)

 Monday 17th February, Build a Birdbox

10:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 3:00pm

It’s National Nest Box Week! It’s that time of year again when our birds are preparing to find a mate and raise their young.  Come and join the Ranger Team and make your own nest box for your garden to help our feathery little friends set up home.

£5 per box

All tools and materials are provided and children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

This activity is a drop in session in the Coach House Courtyard or in the under croft if wet weather.

Any question or queries please contact;
Gary Joynt on 01623 821336 or email gary.joynt@nottscc.gov.uk

 Thursday 20th February, Terrific Trees

Come and join the Ranger Team and explore Rufford’s woodlands. Learn how trees work, what they need to grow and to calculate the age and height of some of Rufford’s oldest inhabitants.

£2.00 per child, all children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Come dressed for outdoor play as you may get wet and muddy!

Meet in the Coach House Courtyard at the Abbey end of the park.

Places are limited, pre – booking essential. 
Ring Gary Joynt on 01623 821336 or email gary.joynt@nottscc.gov.uk

 Friday 21st February, Nature Detectives


Highlights of 2013 and Meet the team have been updated.

Updates soon include Conservation Vols and History.