On Wednesday Wild Sherwood were left with a task of turning the remains of an old pond dipping platform into something that would be beneficial to the Wetland Conservation Area.
Above is what they had to work with.
They did a great job and below is an image of what they made.
Two benches were made, one adult height bench and one child height bench, this is so people can sit on something whilst they are watching other pond dip.......and for us to sit on at lunch time.
As well as making these fantastic benches they started removing Ragwort from the path and levelled off an area for the wild bird seed mix, which will hopefully attract more birds from surrounding farmland.
Wild Sherwood
Wild Sherwood in the Wildwood Theatre. Wednesday 10th December was the day Wild Sherwood were set the task of clearing part of the Wildwood Theatre. Currently an area not utilised to it's full potential and in need of some TLC.
Above is a before photo showing the scale of the task with nettles, weeds and Elder being physically pulled out so there was no chance of regrowth. They tackled the task brilliantly and by the end of the day they had cleared the centre and started taking out some of the small trees and overhanging branches.
The images speak for themselves!! Tomorrow will see them carrying on with some small tree work to thin out the path leading up to the centre.
Wild Sherwood once again put in a big shift at Rufford. After doing a fantastic job of clearing the nettles along the path side a tree decided to fall right on where they had cleared the week before. So the first job of the day was to clear back the tree so the path was accessible. Pics below show before and after.
On top of this they cleared an are beside the hide for a potential butterfly bank and behind the hide where a bird feeding station is.
There task was simple, take revenge on nettles and Himalayan Balsam, and they did.
Below are some before and after photos.
Also whilst they were down there they saw numerous butterflies and a strange trail in the silt......what could it be?? It is a Freshwater Mussel, moving slowly through the silt.
They will be back next week for more of the same. Our park depends on groups like these to help with it's overall maintenance.
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