
This blog is written by employees of Nottinghamshire County Council, the views in this blog are personal and may not be shared by the County Council.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Fun...gi walk around Rufford

This warm damp weather is perfect for fungi, but what most people do not realise is that they are here all year round. Just like plants they bloom at different times of the year.
We use fungi that grow on or around trees to identify the health of that particular tree. As some mushrooms actually work in harmony with the tree, some are indicators that the tree is rotting; or other types of fungi are aggressive essentially attacking the tree and making them weak.
These indicators allow us to identify trees that are dangerous to the public, desiring complete removal of the tree. Others need close monitoring and maybe a little bit of work to keep them healthy.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Colourful Rufford

Winter is soon approaching so all the vivid autumn leaves will be disappearing from our view. So it was an ideal opportunity for some of the team to head out and capture them before this happened. Below is a red to green colour palette of tree's leaves and their bark. From deep Dogwood red to vibrant Maple yellow.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

A bridge too far.......

North Notts College once again proved how well they work as a team and how good their work ethic is. Confronted with the tasked of safely dismantling a bridge did not phase them in the slightest.In fact they had completed the task before lunchtime!! Here is the evidence.

Not only did they complete dismantling the bridge but after lunch they started coppicing an area of Hazel so that the Hazel stools can regrow and form new Hazel Coppice. Most of the Hazel taken down will be used for staking and binding a dead hedge nearby. The gaps in the photo show where Hazel was before coppicing.

They are now tasked with replacing the bridge and making it a real feature of that area. Watch this space!!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Ringing wet? Nope, just a bit foggy

The Wetland Conservation Area is home to a whole host of wildlife and especially attracts lots of our feathered friends. Bird sightings are monitored by the team as well as other wildlife.
In conjunction with a local Bird Ringing group (see more about bird ringing on the BTO website) some mist nets were erected and birds were safely handled by professionals where wings are measured, they are sexed, weight is taken and they are aged.
Within minutes of the mist nets going up around ten species were identified, these included; Nuthatch, Marsh Tit, Robin, Blue Tit, Goldcrest and Coal Tit.
Below are a couple of photos showing the process.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

From spooky to sparkly

Another summer season over and straight into Christmas.
The Ranger team are currently transforming the courtyard from spooky spider city to a very Victorian inspired Christmas ready for Father Christmas landing at the Mill grotto on the 15th Nov.
 Just wanted to say thank you to all who participated in the Halloween trail this year, we had a bumper week selling 3708 trails which is 1500 more than last year’s total. The team have worked really hard on making it different each year and have now taken on the Christmas trail too so watch this space.