
This blog is written by employees of Nottinghamshire County Council, the views in this blog are personal and may not be shared by the County Council.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

A bridge too far.......

North Notts College once again proved how well they work as a team and how good their work ethic is. Confronted with the tasked of safely dismantling a bridge did not phase them in the slightest.In fact they had completed the task before lunchtime!! Here is the evidence.

Not only did they complete dismantling the bridge but after lunch they started coppicing an area of Hazel so that the Hazel stools can regrow and form new Hazel Coppice. Most of the Hazel taken down will be used for staking and binding a dead hedge nearby. The gaps in the photo show where Hazel was before coppicing.

They are now tasked with replacing the bridge and making it a real feature of that area. Watch this space!!

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